Austrans Group Proud To Uphold International Standards

While some companies see standards, accreditations, and mandatory guidelines as frustrating bureaucratic red tape that has to be put up with, Austrans Group is different. The people at Austrans Group understand the importance of adhering to all of these guidelines to ensure the safety of their workers and the environment. They also help to ensure high quality outcomes for all of their clients.

Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme

Their heavy vehicle accreditation scheme is what allows Austrans Group to operate on state and federal roads. Showing that they are compliant with these standards proves that they are capable of managing the weight of their trucks in a safe manner. They are also allowed to operate with higher weights since they have been proven to be a safe and compliant company. Due to this they are able to transfer a larger amount of weight than what is usually allowed. This allows for better efficiency for them and their clients.

ISO For Maintenance

One of the most important standards that Austrans Group follows is the standard for maintenance. By ensuring proper maintenance, the equipment they use is far less likely to fault by accident. They check for maintenance of their trucks every 20,000 kilometres travelled to ensure they find any problems the equipment has before it turns into an issue. Maintaining safe equipment also keeps workers safe, the environment clean, and helps to provide high quality outcomes for clients.

ISO For Environmental Protection

Austrans Group put a large emphasis on protecting the environment and implementing sustainable products whenever they are able to. This is one of the reasons why they are so happy to follow all of the environmental standards required of them. This ensures they do everything within their means to protect land, water, flora, and fauna from being exposed to anything harmful. This is crucial since there are many hidden dangers of liquid waste.

ISO For Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is another standard Austrans Group follows to provide a high quality to all of their clients and workers. This standard guarantees that all of the day to day procedures and policies that guide the workers at Austrans Group are of sound design and work toward ensuring that the other standards they follow are kept to a high standard.

Policies For Worker Fatigue

Austrans group implements policies on workers’ fitness to show that they actually care about the safety and wellbeing of all of the people who are employed by them. These policies help to manage operators’ health, fatigue hours, and their driving hours. One of their policies outline that they will not let an employee drive for more than 12 hours. And this is enforced through their quality assurance policies.


External auditing each year by an independent third party as well as constant internal auditing and reviews of their own policies help to guarantee that Austrans Group continues to be a respectable and reliable company for their workers, clients, and other stakeholders.


Going above and beyond the minimum requirements for standards and accreditation guidelines is just one of the ways that Austrans Groups shows to their stakeholders their genuine passion for resource recovery, and has made them masters of hazardous waste management.

Meet The Experts In Resource Recovery And Recycling

Established in 1999, the Austrans Group is proudly Australian owned and operated, and is now recognised as an industry leader in hazardous waste management, industrial services, project management all over South East Queensland.

From public infrastructure to assisting in massive environmental rehabilitation and providing complete disaster recovery support, Austrans have done it all, and have the expertise to get the job done.

At every stage of business we have made our passion for sustainability a key focus. If you want to collaborate with a team that values the importance of sustainability and deeply cares about the environment and community, get in touch with us today and we can work towards building a rewarding partnership.

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